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Jeremy Cusack

Post-Doctoral Researcher

University of Stirling, UK.


My primary research interests focus on how conflicts between wildlife conservation and human livelihoods develop over time. To do this, I collect and analyse time series relating to the sociological (e.g. media articles), economic (e.g. damage and compensation payments), management (e.g. harvest quotas) and ecological (e.g. population size and distribution) aspects of these conflicts. I am also an avid camera trapper and spent my PhD designing and testing ways of quantifying mammal community patterns and processes from camera trap images, with the aim of comparing these across different land-uses. I am particularly interested in devising methods to study species interactions from camera arrays. Last but not least, I love analysing animal movement trajectories collected using GPS collars (or other devices) to investigate habitat-use, species interactions and responses to anthropogenic landscapes.


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