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Brad Duthie

Post Doctoral Research Assistant

University of Stirling

Stirling, UK




Brad is a postdoctoral researcher modelling conflict between biodiversity and food security. His early interests in biology and philosophy led him to pursue post-graduate research in evolutionary ecology. Brad completed his PhD at Iowa State University, where he developed theory for species interactions and competitor coexistence and applied it to test hypotheses in a fig tree and fig wasp community in Baja, Mexico. In 2013, Brad then began a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Aberdeen to develop theory on animal behaviour, focusing on inbreeding and female multiple mating. In November of 2016, he joined the ConFooBio group at the University of Stirling to develop new tools for modelling social-ecological systems characterised by conflict among stake-holders. He is currently developing software to incorporate game theory into a management strategy evaluation framework, allowing researchers to model the complexities and uncertainties associated with population dynamics and stake-holder actions.


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